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Reciprocating and screw compressors, dehumidifiers, receivers, etc. Bezhetsky plant ASO

More than 12 years NEW TECHNOLOGIES GROUP has been supplying reciprocating and screw compressors, jet cleaning machines, washing plants, compressor heads, construction equipment, air preparation devices. Our extensive expertise and using components from leading manufacturers is the main reason why the customers choose us.
Product catalog Bezeckii zavod ASO

About Bezeckii zavod ASO

Bezhetsky plant ASO (Bezhetsk) is well known for its products not only to Russian consumers, but also in the CIS countries. The modern name-AVTOSPETSOBORUDOVANIE (ASO), the company received in 1971. For several decades, the plant has been producing and supplying compressors and washing equipment for a wide variety of industries, agriculture, housing and communal complex, and motor transport enterprises.
  • reliability

    Customers note the high reliability, ease of operation, and absolute maintainability of the compressors. The quality of the products is best indicated by the fact that orders are often received for parts for a compressor purchased 25-30 years ago.

    Thanks to the constant modernization of technological processes and products, long-term production experience, the Bezhetsky Compressor Plant managed to maintain its position in the conditions of fierce competition.
  • assortment

    Currently, Bezhetsky Compressor Plant offers its customers 37 models of reciprocating and 14 models of screw compressors, 3 models of washing units, as well as 3 models of jet cleaning devices and compressed air dryers.

Bezeckii zavod ASO catalog

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Bezeckii zavod ASO: reciprocating and screw compressors, jet cleaning machines, washing plants, compressor heads, construction equipment, air preparation devices
  • Reciprocating compressors Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Reciprocating compressors
    K12, K29, C412M, K-29-01, etc.
  • Oil-free reciprocating compressors Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Oil-free reciprocating compressors
    KBM-025, KBM-132, etc.
  • Screw compressors with desiccant and filters Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Screw compressors with desiccant and filters
    ASO-VK4M2OV/10-500, etc.
  • Screw compressors with direct drive Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Screw compressors with direct drive
    ASO-VK55/8, etc.
  • Belt-driven screw compressors Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Belt-driven screw compressors
    ASO-VK7,5/8, etc.
  • Screw mobile compressors Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Screw mobile compressors
    ASO-VK22/8 PE, etc.
  • Receivers and air collectors Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Receivers and air collectors
    RV 11010, RV 11016, etc.
  • Trunk filters Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Trunk filters
    FM 40/16, FM 60/25, etc.
  • Compressed air dehumidifiers Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Compressed air dehumidifiers
    OV-42M1, OV-66M1, OV-132M1, etc.
  • Jet cleaning devices Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Jet cleaning devices
    ASO-40E, ASO-150, ASO-200, etc.
  • Washing installations Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Washing installations
    1112, 1126M, etc.
  • Compressor heads Bezeckii zavod ASO
    Compressor heads
    C412M, C415M, C416M, K24M, etc.
  • archive Bezeckii zavod ASO
    MC-202, MX3-1, RD3, etc.

Find your Bezeckii zavod ASO product

Choose the most comfortable way to place your order or get information about the characteristics, prices and delivery terms.
  1. Quotation

    To see our prices get the quotation or an official offer for Bezeckii zavod ASO products.

  2. Consultation

    Consult our specialists to get the most compatible and affordable Bezeckii zavod ASO products.

  3. Analogs selection

    Send us the marking of the competitor’s products and we will offer the best Bezeckii zavod ASO deal in terms of technical features and price.

  4. Order and delivery

    Inquire for invoice and Sales Agreement for companies and individual persons to buy Bezeckii zavod ASO products.

Information Board Bezeckii zavod ASO

Learn more about our products Bezeckii zavod ASO.
  • Price list of Bezhetsky ASO plant из каталога Бежецкий завод АСО
    Price list of Bezhetsky ASO plant
  • Products  BEZECKII ZAVOD ASO in stock
    Products BEZECKII ZAVOD ASO in stock
  • Equipment catalog of the Bezhetsky ASO plant из каталога Бежецкий завод АСО
    Equipment catalog of the Bezhetsky ASO plant
  • Dealer Certificate марки Бежецкий завод АСО
    Dealer Certificate


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